The campus fees are approved by the University Board of Trustees and applied based on the number of semester hours for which students enrolled in campus-based programs and independent non-degree courses are registered, in addition to other criteria. We do not have a “pay as you go” system.
In addition to things that are available to all students regardless of location (McKinley, Counseling Center, Library, Leadership Center, Career Center, Dean of Students) fees also pay for campus infrastructure. Even if a student is away from campus, they are benefiting from campus infrastructure (IT, instructional facilities) and will do so in future semesters when they return. Students enrolled in fully online degree or fully online certificate programs are not currently charged campus fees. Fully online PROGRAMS are different from campus based programs where students happen to be enrolled fully online for a semester.
Following are campus fees:
- Academic Facility Maintenance Fund Assessment (AFMFA): An assessment to support deferred maintenance and facility renovations for academic buildings. The fee is pro-rated by tuition range.
- General Fee: A fee to support certain costs related to Auxiliary facilities and other matters. Costs supported include payments for improvements and enhancements for facilities within the Auxiliary Facilities System (including repair and replacement), utilities costs, overhead and employment-related costs and allowances for University and Campus overhead, eligible grant programs, and capital financing and related costs.
- Service Fee: A fee to support salaries, programming, general expenses, and utilities for campus Auxiliary Service units; such as Campus Recreation, the Illini Union, Student Legal Services, and the State Farm Center.
Note: Students exempt from this fee, because they are registered in credit range III or IV (less than 3 hours for Summer) for a semester, may obtain these services by paying the semester fee online. Pay Service Fee - Health Service Fee: A fee to provide salaries, programming, general expenses, and utilities for the Counseling Center and McKinley Health Center. All students in campus-based programs, regardless of location, have access to McKinley Health Center and Counseling Center services. Due to professional licensure constraints, there are some restrictions on providing clinical services. Specifically, the Counseling Center Staff can offer individual and group therapy services to students residing in the state of Illinois. However, all students, regardless of location can access all outreach and prevention services which include our psychoeducation workshops, alcohol and other drug skill building workshops, daily meditations, and other skill building workshops. Virtual consultations are also available for all students regardless of where they reside, including with our embedded counselors and other outreach team staff.
Note: Students exempt from this fee, because they are enrolled in credit range III or IV (less than 3 hours for Summer) for a semester, may obtain these services by paying the semester fee at the McKinley Health Center Business Office by the appropriate deadline for the term. - Health Insurance Fee: A fee that covers the cost of premiums to the insurance carrier and the cost of administering the group sickness and accident plan which provides world-wide coverage. University health insurance coverage is not available for students enrolled in fully online programs.
Note: Contact the Student Insurance Office for information about waiver and deadlines. - Library and Information Technology Fee: A fee used to aid in the transition toward electronic media and digitalization, increase library hours, improve information technology services, strengthen opportunities for research technology and assistance, and enhance access to both electronic and print material collections. The fee is pro-rated by tuition range.
- Transportation Fee: A fee that supports a campus and community transportation plan for students; maintains the SafeRides program and enhances late night transportation. If you are in a campus-based program but taking all of your courses online and not residing in the campus area, your fee assessment is driven based on your campus-based program, not on your schedule’s delivery mode nor your place of residence. The Transportation fee is necessary to help cover our contract with Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit for this year and future years. Without this fee, students would lose access to the city bus system in future years.
Note: Students exempt from this fee, because they are enrolled in credit range III or IV (less than 3 hours for Summer) for a semester, may obtain the services by paying the semester fee online, by the deadline for the term. Pay Transportation Fee - Student-Initiated Fees: All student initiated fees listed below were implemented as referenda questions approved by the students during the student election process. The amount will appear as a single line item on the student account and is not refundable.
Note: Students who are exempt from the group of fees listed below, because they are registered in credit range III or IV (less than 3 hours for Summer) for a semester, may participate in them by paying the designated charge online. Pay Student-Initiated Fees The charge will cover all the fees, which may not be purchased separately.- Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee (CET): A fee used to purchase cleaner energy technologies for campus, including solar, wind, hydrogen, and geothermal projects; energy efficiency purchases; and the purchase of renewable energy from non-University producers.
- Collegiate Readership Fee: A fee to fund the Collegiate Readership Program, which provides free copies of various newspapers.
- Cultural Programming Fee (CP): A fee that supports cultural programming within 6 areas: African-American; Asian-American; Latina/o; LGBT, Native American; and women’s programming.
- Krannert Center Fee (KCPA): A fee to support productions at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.
- Legacy of Service and Learning Scholarship Fee (Legacy): A fee creating a permanent source of need and merit based scholarships which include a community service component.
- Sustainable Campus Environment Fee: A fee to help establish a sustainable campus environment by financing initiatives such as green buildings, engagement of the University community, recycling, energy efficiency, and environmentally responsible purchasing.
- Students for Equal Access to Learning Fee (SEAL): A fee that supplements existing financial aid for students with financial need.
- Student Organization Resource Fee (SORF): A fee to help fund programs and/or services of Registered Student Organizations.
- Study Abroad and Travel Scholarship Fee (SAS): A fee to provide scholarships to undergraduate students for study abroad and to graduate and professional students for travel scholarships.
- Media Fee: A fee to support Illini Media Company which operates The Daily Illini, Illio, WPGU, and other campus-based media.
- Bicycle Programs and Infrastructure Fee: A fee used to fund better bike infrastructure, expanding bike parking, creating safety courses and materials for bike encouragement and education, and creating a bike rental program.
- Helping Others’ Personal Excellence (HOPE) Fee: A fee to provide scholarships for students who demonstrate financial need but do not otherwise qualify for financial aid.