Degree Audit

A degree audit is an unofficial audit of progress toward the degree that reflects courses completed and currently in progress.

Generate an Audit

University of Illinois students can view their degree audit through the Degree Audit System. This report is an unofficial audit of your degree progress which includes in progress coursework. Watch for additional information and advisories specific to your college at the top of your degree audit. Read the following instructions before generating an audit.

Logging In

Use your NetID and Password to log in to the system. These are the same values that are used to log in to Student Self-Service.

Audit Request Page

Once logged in, if a degree audit has been run in the past, you will see the most recently run audit. If no previous degree audits have been run, you will be taken to the welcome page. From the welcome page, you can run an audit by clicking the “Request Audit” button or select “Request New” under “Audits” on the menu bar. Once on the “Request an Audit” page, you have two options for running audits:

  1. Run Declared Programs:
    The displayed Degree Program reflects your current degree program and catalog year stored in the Student Information System. Click the “Run Declared Programs” button. If an audit is not returned, it is possible the catalog year on your current degree program in the Student Information System is incorrect. Please contact your college office for assistance.
  2. Select a Different Program:
    This option allows you to run a degree audit for a degree program that differs from your current degree program and catalog year stored in the Student Information System or to run your second degree if you are a dual degree student. Click the “Select a Different Program” menu and enter the following values:
    • School: This value must be the college that offers the degree program. The “Program” drop down values are linked to the appropriate School value. Graduate students should select UKS – GRD as the School.
    • Program: The program lists for most colleges is displaying department, program title, and the system degree program value (major/concentration code and degree).
    • Catalog Year: This value controls which requirements appear in the degree audit. All requirements have an effective date associated with them. The catalog year value determines which version of a particular requirement is included in the degree audit. Entering an incorrect catalog year may result in an inaccurate audit.

After the audit is requested, the “Completed Audit Requests” page will appear. The page displays Running Audits as well as Completed Audits. Once your audit request has finished, only the Completed Audit Requests are displayed. Click the “View Audit” link in the “View” column to view the audit.

If the report does not display after a reasonable interval, email our Degree Audit Specialist for technical assistance. For graduate students email the Graduate College.

The Degree Audit System undergoes maintenance nightly starting at 12:00 midnight and may be periodically unavailable during the night. 

View Audits

Students may view a previously run audit. Choose “Audits” in the menu and select “Manage.” Click the “View Audit” link in the “View” column to view the desired audit. Audits are purged on a regularly scheduled basis.

Planned Courses

Students may add a hypothetical course to a degree audit to determine what effect it may have on the report. To add a planned course, click “Courses” on the menu bar and select “Planned.” Click the “Add Planned Course” button and enter the following:

  • Term: This field defines the semester the student took the hypothetical course.
  • Course: This field is the course subject and number. Spacing is critical and must conform to this mask: a combination of 6 characters and spaces for the subject and three numbers (e.g. RHET  105). If a course has a subject with less than 4 characters, simply include additional space(s) between the last character of the subject and the first number (e.g. CS    125).
  • RCredit: This value is the number of credit hours associated with the hypothetical course.
  • Grade: Select a grade from the drop down menu.
  • Title: The course title is an optional field and will not appear in the audit.

To view how your planned course(s) apply to your requirements, you must select “Advanced Settings” on the “Request an Audit” page and check the box labeled “What If Courses”.

Logging Out

Click the Settings Icon on the menu bar. Select “Logout”.

Protect your personal information by closing all open browser windows when terminating your degree audit session.

Audit Limitations

This audit does not take the place of regular academic advising sessions and should not be used to make decisions about future course selection. It is your responsibility to confirm official degree progress by consulting with academic advisors and college admissions or records officers. Graduate students should contact their departmental graduate contact.

In addition, please note the following:

  • The report accesses day-old data. Since it is not a live report, changes made to a student’s record (e.g. adding/dropping a course, grade changes, etc.) are not immediately reflected.
  • Transfer course articulations may be incomplete, especially if a student runs a degree audit for a major that is not the current degree program from the Student Information System.
  • Study abroad credits may not be finalized.
  • The degree audit system is not available from 12:01 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Central time zone daily.