Scheduling FAQS Summer 2024

Q. What are the dates/deadlines?

A. There are several important dates.

  • Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 5pm:
    • All general assignment room requests are due (via the spreadsheet)
    • Dept. space can no longer be added directly in Banner
    • After this point, any room requests (for CMSS space) and room assignments (in dept. space) must be emailed to
  • Monday, March 4: Course Explorer becomes public
  • Monday, April 1: Priority Registration begins


Q. What do I use the spreadsheet for?

A. The spreadsheet is a three-tabbed list of all your sections. It breaks down like this:

Active/PendingThis will be your working document. It is a snapshot of all active and pending sections in Banner for the Summer 24 Term.

  1. If you want to have an in-person section, change the schedule type to an in-person delivery method, and:
    1. If using your dept. space: Input the building and room in Banner. Remove that row from the spreadsheet.
    2. If hoping for space that isn’t managed by your dept. or by CMSS (such another department’s space or a computer lab): Please check with appropriate department to see if the room is available. If so, input the building and room in Banner. Remove that row from the spreadsheet.
    3. If requesting any General Assignment (GA) space from CMSS, you must fill in the “Distance Cap Needed” in the spreadsheet, and return to CMSS with only those rows requesting GA space.

Inactive/Cancelled: This is a list of Cancelled/Inactive CRNs. Many of these are likely sections that were in-person in the past, and not used in Summer 23. These can be changed to Active status to re-purpose as needed. Please make every effort to re-purpose these CRNs before creating any new CRNs. If you are unsure if a CRN can be repurposed, ask us BEFORE making a new CRN.

IndependentStudy: This is a list of Independent Study CRNs that are in use, or available to be re-purposed for new faculty. Again, please make every effort to re-purpose old CRNs from former faculty before creating any new CRNs.


Q. Do I need to return the spreadsheet?

A. Only return the spreadsheet if you need to request a room from CMSS. The “Distance Cap Needed” (last column) must ALWAYS be completed. If it is not, we will return the spreadsheet to you. That is preferred over individual emails for simplicity of scheduling. If there are specific circumstances that might affect room assignment, please utilize the notes column. We read every comment before assigning space. Please be sure the spreadsheet does not have any of the following:

  • Rows for sections that do not need room assignment (they already have a room, or are online)
  • Changes to section data: Department Schedulers are responsible for making necessary changes to days, times, instructors, etc.
  • Cross-list request or changes: Request those by emailing


Q. I missed the deadline to submit room requests via the spreadsheet. What do I do?

A. All late requests can be emailed to After all the requests submitted by the deadline (via the spreadsheet) are completed, emailed late requests will be processed in the order received.


Q. We would like to have an active learning or I-Flex classroom in the summer. How do we request this?

A. You request that by completing at least one of the orange columns on the spreadsheet, depending on if you have a specific room preference(s) by room number or if you have a room preference by layout/teaching type.


Q. Do you have training materials on your website?

A. Yes! We have tips and tricks at


Q. Do you have a list of CMSS controlled rooms with capacities?

A. You can use the list on our website at Please note that demand may cause this list to fluctuate from what is currently showing.