Once grades have been rolled to Academic History, grade corrections must be processed through the Office of the Registrar. Grade corrections can be submitted by using the online Grade Change System. For more information on grade corrections, refer to Article 3 of the Student Code.
If an instructor does not enter grades for a student before the grade entry deadline, the Office of the Registrar applies a grade of NR (not reported) at the time grades are rolled to Academic History. These late grades can be submitted by using the online Grade Change System.
Note that grades submitted using screen prints of the class roster in Banner (SFASLST) or the roster on Faculty Self-Service will not be processed. Neither of these formats includes all of the required information necessary to process grades appropriately.
Access the online Grade Change System.
In some cases, a Supplemental Grade Report Form (SGRF) will be required in order to change a student’s grade after the grade submission deadline. This may include the following:
- Correcting an “ABS” grade for a student that was absent from the final examination without an acceptable excuse.
- Correcting a student’s grade in a course that is not found in or supported by the Online Grade Change System. Prior to submitting a SGRF, please contact record-info@illinois.edu for assistance.
Additional Help
Do you have questions or concerns? For more help, contact Academic Records within the Office of the Registrar at record-info@illinois.edu or 217-333-9774.