Banner Building Codes

This table shows all BANNER codes for buildings on the university campus along with the full building name.

Banner Building Code Building Code Description
11001N 1001 W Nevada
11004F 1004 S Fourth, Police Trng Ins
11010N 1010 W Nevada
11203/ 1203 1/2 W Nevada
11203N 1203 W Nevada
11203O 1203 W Oregon
11205/ 1205 1/2 W Nevada
11205N 1205 W Nevada
11205O 1205 W Oregon
11206N 1206 W. Nevada Street
11207O 1207 W Oregon
11208N 1208 W Nevada
11210N Asian American House
1408G 408 S Goodwin
1505GR 505 E Green
1508SX 508 S Sixth
1510DA 510 E Daniel
1805PA 805 W Pennsylvania
1901OR 901 W Oregon
1907/N 907 1/2 W Nevada
1909OR 909 W Oregon
1911SX 911 S Sixth
1912IL 912 W Illinois
1ABL Agricultural Bioprocess Lab
1AC Alice Campbell Alumni Ctr
1ACESL ACES Lib, Info & Alum Ctr
1ADB Art and Design Building
1AEA1 Architecture Annex
1AEA2 Art-East Annex, Studio 2
1AESB Agricultural Engr Sciences Bld
1AH Altgeld Hall
1AIRPT Willard Airport
1ALLEN Allen Residence Hall
1ARC Activities & Recreation Center
1ARCD Student Services Arcade Bldg
1ARCH Architecture Building
1ARMRY Armory
1ASL Animal Sciences Laboratory
1ASTR Astronomy Building
1ATKNS Atkins Tennis Center
1ATSB Atmospheric Sciences Bldg
1BANNR Banner Building
1BEV Bevier Hall
1BI Beckman Institute
1BIF Business Instructional Fac
1BNRL Burnsides Research Lab
1BOUS Bousfield Hall
1BRCB Building Research Council Bldg
1BUR Burrill Hall
1CA Chemistry Annex
1CAB Computing Applications Bldg
1CB Ceramics Building
1CDL Child Development Laboratory
1CEHL Civil Eng Hydrosystems Lab
1CERFA 2110 S. Griffith Dr., Bldg 4
1CHRSH Christopher Hall
1CIF Campus Instructional Facility
1CLSL Chemical and Life Sci Lab
1CMPBL Campbell Hall
1CRC Children’s Research Center
1CRCE Campus Recreation Center East
1CROC Campus Rec Outdoor Ctr
1CSL Coordinated Science Lab
1CWS Colonel Wolfe School
1CWVHE Ctr Wounded Veterans Higher Ed
1DANCE Dance Studio
1DCL Digital Computer Laboratory
1DH Davenport Hall
1DKH David Kinley Hall
1EB English Building
1ECDL Expanded Child Dev Lab
1ECEB Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg
1EDUC Education Building
1EH Engineering Hall
1ERML E R Madigan Laboratory
1ESB Engineering Sciences Building
1EVRT Everitt Laboratory
1FA Foellinger Auditorium
1FARFS FAR – Food Service Building
1FH Freer Hall
1FICE Fighting Illini Ctr for Excellence
1FLAGG Flagg Hall
1FLB Foreign Languages Building
1FSIC Fire Service Institute Center
1FTSSB Fred Turner Student Serv Bldg
1GARNR Garner Hall
1GELIB Grainger Engineering Library
1GFSB Gregory Dr. Food Service
1GH Gregory Hall
1GPHS Grad Photo Studio
1GSB 2116 Griffith
1GSLIS Grad Sch of Lib & Info Science
1H1 Willard Airport: Hangar 1
1H4 Willard Airport: Hangar 4
1HAB Henry Administration Bldg
1HDG Harding Band Building
1HFL Horticulture Field Laboratory
1HUFF Huff Hall
1IBLDG I Building
1ICEA Ice Arena
1IGB Institute for Genomic Biology
1IGPAB Inst Gov & Public Affairs Bldg
1IH Illini Hall
1ILIR Inst Labor & Industrial Rel
1ILLGV Illini Grove
1IMPE Intramural-Phys Ed Bldg
1ISB International Studies Building
1ISRL Illinois Street Residence Lng
1IU Illini Union
1JAPAN Japan House
1KAM Krannert Art Museum
1KCPA Krannert Center for Perf Arts
1KG Kenney Gymnasium
1KGA Kenney Gymnasium Annex
1KH Ceramics Kiln House
1LAR Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall
1LAW Law Building
1LEVIS Levis Faculty Center
1LH Lincoln Hall
1LIB Library
1LMS Loomis Laboratory
1LUMEB Sidney Lu Mech Eng Bldg
1MEL Mechanical Engineering Lab
1MEM Memorial Stadium
1MH Mumford Hall
1MHC McKinley Health Center
1MNTL Micro & Nanotechnology Lab
1MOR Morrill Hall
1MOTO Motorcycle Safety Office
1MRL Seitz Materials Research Lab
1MSB Medical Sciences Building
1MSEB Materials Science & Eng Bld
1MSL Meat Science Laboratory
1MTVN Mount Vernon
1MUMHS Mumford House
1MUSIC Music Building
1NCEB Newmark Civil Engineering Bldg
1NCSA Nat Center for Suprcomp Appl
1NEL Nuclear Engineering Lab
1NHB Natural History Building
1NOBLE Noble Hall
1NOYES Noyes Laboratory
1NRAL Nuclear Radiations Laboratory
1NRB Natural Resources Building
1NRSA Natural Res Studies Annex
1NSRC National Soybean Res Ctr
1OBSRV Observatory
1ONL Online
1OPEB Optical Physics & Eng Bldg.
1OPEL Optical Physics & Eng Lab
1PFSB Peabody Food Serv Bldg
1PLB Pennsylvania Lounge Bld – PAR
1PSL Plant Sciences Laboratory
1PSYCH Psychology Building
1Q1 Willard Airport: Q1
1Q3 Willard Airport: Q3
1Q4 Willard Airport: Q4
1Q5 Willard Airport: Q5
1Q7 Willard Airport: Q7
1Q8 Willard Airport: Q8
1RAL Roger Adams Laboratory
1REC Rehabilitation Educ Ctr
1RICHS Richmond Studio
1SCD Siebel Center for Design
1SCLPT Sculpture Building
1SDRP Student Dining & Res Program
1SFARM South Farms
1SHS Speech & Hearing Science Bldg
1SIEBL Siebel Center for Comp Sci
1SMITH Smith Memorial Hall
1SNYDR Snyder Hall
1SPUR Spurlock Museum
1STDM Memorial Stadium
1STKPV Stock Pavilion
1TB Transportation Building
1TH Turner Hall
1THBH Temple Hoyne Buell Hall
1TL Talbot Laboratory
1UGLIB Undergraduate Library
1UHS University High School
1VANDN Van Doren Hall
1VGCRP Vegetable Crops Building
1VMBSB Vet Med Basic Sciences Bldg
1VMCSL VetMed ClinicalSkillsLearnCntr
1VMTH Veterinary Teaching Hospital
1WASJA Wassaja Hall
1WESTN Weston Hall
1WOHLR Wohlers Hall
1WRDL Wardall Hall – ISR
1X0CC Des Plaines IL
1XAFTB American Fed. of Teachers Bldg
1XAPCC Monticello IL
1XBB Bradley-Bourbonnais IL
1XBHCE Kewanee IL
1XBIS Business Innovation Services
1XCARL Carle Foundation Hospital
1XCBDL Carbondale IL
1XCBG Chicago Botanic Garden
1XCCHS Champaign IL
1XCHCL Christie Clinic
1XCMBI Chicago Moody Bible Institute
1XCOMP Peoria IL
1XCOMR U of I College of Medicine
1XCSC Champaign Surgery Center
1XDAN Danville IL
1XDEC Decatur IL
1XDP Discovery Partners Inst. CHI
1XEXTS U of I Extension Office
1XFEXT Vandalia IL
1XGRAL Grayslake IL
1XILLC Illini Center
1XJJC Joliet IL
1XJWCC John Wood Community College
1XKC Malta IL
1XKHS Kankakee IL
1XLCA Canada
1XLEB Lebanon IL
1XLEMT Lemont IL
1XLLCC Springfield IL
1XLUK United Kingdom
1XLUL Ullin IL
1XMA Lisle IL
1XMAC Macomb IL
1XMAL Malta IL
1XMAX West Side Technical Institute
1XMES Woodridge IL
1XML Malta IL
1XMTVN Mount Vernon IL
1XNCHS Naperville IL
1XNIU Dekalb IL
1XOCC Oakton Com Coll Des Plaines IL
1XOSF OSF Heart of Mary
1XPAV Pavilion Foundation
1XPLLB Poland Lublin
1XPLWS Poland Warsaw
1XPRT Puerto Rican Center
1XQU Quincy IL
1XRMHS Rolling Meadows IL
1XSIU SIU at Edwardsville
1XU4SC Champaign IL
1XUIC Chicago IL
1XUIS U of I @ Springfield
1XUIVF U of I Videoconference Facilit
1XUOPS Univ Outreach & Public Service
1XVAD VA Illiana HC – Danville
1XWASH Washington DC
1XZJU Zhejiang University