These are things you need to know/consider before you start revising existing sections.
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- We want schedulers to recycle CRNs whenever possible before you make a new CRN. If you do not have a CRN already known, here are three places you can look:
- You can look up CRNs using a variety of different filtering factors in SSASECQ.
- You can access our Condensed Catalog Schedule App to get more of a complete snapshot of the sections to see which might work best.
- You should also keep the most recent copies of our Initial Copy spreadsheets (one each for spring/summer/fall) to give another “snapshot in a glance view. If lost in email, you can always request fresh copies from us.
2. If you have the CRN or are looking at your options, one thing to note is whether it matches the part-of-term you need.
- If the CRN is one with a Standard POT, you can recycle it or change it to another standard POT.
- If you need something that will be outside these parameters, you will need to recycle and activate an XM-OL section.
- Note that you cannot recycle a standard POT CRN to use for an XM-OL section and vice versa.
3. An additional consideration is whether the section is or will need to be cross-listed. For those already in the system or ones we add at your request, the type of cross-list it represents is designated in the first letter of the cross-list ID:
- Equivalent courses as outlined through the course approval process and displayed in the Academic Catalog are type C.
- Differential credit sections within the same subject and number are type B.
- Either temporary topics sections across departments that are not outlined in the course approval process or sections with different numbers within the same department are Type A.
For all of the above, make sure that you are aware of the cross-list maximum and note that only CMSS can assign or change that value.
4. The last big piece to take into consideration has to do with the meeting pattern and delivery. You might have:
- Something simple with one meeting row and one schedule type.
- A packaged section where you have one CRN with two different meeting rows and schedule types (could be any combination of in-person/online meetings)
- A third option is linked sections where students have a choice of options but MUST register for at least two different CRNs for their registration in a specific course to be complete.
- No set meeting pattern (no days, times or location).
5. Additional things you will want to verify/modify (if you have not looked at these in the 1-4 item list above):
- Schedule types, mock schedule types and How to Change Types
- Credit and Billing Hours (if the course has variable credit)
- Section Enrollment
- Instructor and How to Add New Ones
- Restrictions
- Section Text
6. If the request you have been given involves hybrid course delivery, here are additional considerations:
- Distributed Attendance
- Partial Remote Attendance