Legal Name or Social Security Number (SSN)
1) If you have NEVER been employed or have not been employed within the last 18 months by the university
To change your name in official university records, it is necessary to present one of the following official forms of identification with the new name to the Office of the Registrar. Use the secure upload option in myIllini profile, then email with your UIN and an explanation of your request.
- Marriage Certificate
- Driver’s license or state issued photo ID
- Social Security card (or Social Security print out)
- Permanent Resident card (Green card)
- Passport
- Divorce decree
- Court order
2) If you are a student and current employee at any University of Illinois location, present your updated social security card as legal documentation reflecting the change to your employing unit’s Human Recourses representative. In addition, review My UI Info for other places you may need to update your name.
3) If you are a student and your employment with the university has ended within the last 18 months, present your updated social security card as legal documentation reflecting the change to the appropriate Human Resource office listed below:
- System Human Resources Services
Swanlund Building, 600 East John Street, Champaign, IL 61820 - Illinois Human Resources
52 East Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL 61820
If you are currently employed or were previously employed by the University of Illinois, the employee name on record with the university must be the legal name on record with the U.S. Social Security Administration. If it is not, both the employee and university may be in violation of federal tax laws.
Diploma First/Middle Name or Special Characters
Email (include your UIN) for these changes allowed on your diploma. If you need your last name changed, follow the instructions above for an official name change.
As of August 2020, graduating students may choose to create a diploma name with a preferred first name and legal last name. Examples of preferred names include: using a middle name instead of a first name; using an abbreviated name (Tom instead of Thomas); using an Americanized name (Wendy instead of Haiyan); or using a name that better reflects one’s ethnic, racial or gender identity. Instructions for submitting a diploma name will be included in our regular graduation information emails that is sent to graduating students each semester. Please be advised that in some situations, the name appearing on your diploma may need to match other legal documents you possess.
Preferred First Name
If you would like to use a name that is not your legal first name within the campus community, refer to the Preferred First Name page for more information and instructions.
Email and Other Addresses
Update your personal email address, mailing address, phone number or emergency contact information in Student Self-Service. On the Student Services Dashboard under the General Information section, choose Update Personal Information. Desired information can be added or edited in the applicable section.
To request a change in citizenship, students must provide proof of that change by providing one of the following official government-issued documents to the Office of the Registrar. Use the secure upload option in myIllini profile, then email with your UIN and an explanation of your request.
- Evidence of Approved Lawful Permanent Resident Status
- Naturalization Certificate
- Asylee
- USCIS Form I-94 (Admission class of AY) with “USCIS Asylum Status Granted Indefinitely” stamp & date and signature of agent & Residence Code (A number)
- Refugee
- USCIS Form 1-94 (Admission class of RE) with stamped notation of refugee immigration status, which includes arrival date/ INS Number / Employment authorization
Citizenship Deadlines
Changes to citizenship must be submitted by the following deadlines for each academic semester for which updates are requested. All citizenship update requests received after the deadline will go into effect for the next term enrolled.
- Fall – September 1
- Spring – February 1
- Summer – June 1
Citizenship changes from International to Domestic Residency
A change in citizenship status from International to Domestic will result in a residence reclassification to Non-Resident for tuition and fee purposes. Students who believe that their circumstances meet the university’s definition of Resident would need to submit a Petition for the Determination of Residency. That information is located at Residency Information.
Important Note: International students who wish to make changes to their Non-Immigrant Visa Status must do so through the International Students and Scholars Services Office. For more information regarding this type of change contact ISSS.
Legal Sex
To change your legal sex in official university records, it is necessary to present one of the following official government-issued documents to the Office of the Registrar. Use the secure upload option in myIllini profile, then email with your UIN and an explanation of your request.
- Driver’s license or state issued photo ID
- Passport
- Court order
- Birth Certificate