Summer 2025 Undergrad Campus Fees

Campus fees, except health insurance, are mandatory for campus-based students according to enrolled hours as shown below. All students not admitted to fully online programs will be assessed fees at the below range based rates regardless of whether they are enrolled in face-to-face or online classes and regardless of student location. In addition to things that are available to all students regardless of location (McKinley, Counseling Center, Library, Leadership Center, Career Center, Dean of Students) fees also pay for campus infrastructure. Even if a student is away from campus, they are benefiting from campus infrastructure (IT, instructional facilities) and will do so in future semesters when they return. Students enrolled in fully online degree or online certificate programs are not currently charged campus fees. Fully online PROGRAMS are different from campus based programs where students happen to be enrolled fully online for a semester.

Semester Fees

9+ hours6-8.9 hours3-5.9 hours0-2.9 hours
Service Fee$169$169$169$0
General Fee$210$210$210$210
Health Insurance Fee*$818$818$818$818
Health Service Fee$126$126$126$0
Transportation Fee$30$30$30$0
Student Initiated Fees$17$17$17$0
Library/Information Tech$183$122$61$31

*Health Insurance Fee is the only campus fee for which an exemption is available. If you are not automatically charged for health insurance, but need insurance coverage, contact the Student Health Insurance Office.

Students enrolled as independent non-degree students or in the fully online degree programs are not eligible for university health insurance.