Typically students are charged tuition based on their primary program of study; otherwise known as their major. The following per credit hour rates apply to specific online course sections. Independent non-degree and CITL admitted students will be charged the rate specific to the course section (CRN) in which they enroll. Rates are assessed by attributes placed on an individual CRN. CRNs without an attribute listed are assessed at the base rate. Students may view attributes on a CRN within the Student Self-Service Enhanced Registration system using the instructions below.
Degree seeking iMBA, iMSA and MCS-DS students will be charged per credit hour tuition based on the CRN of enrollment according to the rates below.
Online, CRN-Based Tuition Rates:
Course Attribute | Attribute Description | Per Credit Hour Rate |
Undergraduate Base Rate | $416 | |
Graduate Base Rate | $490 | |
1CCL | ONL Info Science Resident Rate | $652 |
ONL Info Science Non-Resident Rate | $975 | |
1ENG | ONL Engineering Rate | $1,110 |
1PRO | ONL Base+Differential Rate | $712 |
1IMB | ONL iMBA Rate | $302 |
1MCS | ONL CS rate | $670 |
1IDC | ONL Instructional Design Rate | $298 |
1SCW | ONL Social Work Rate | $598 |
1TRN | ONL Translation Studies Rate | $1,172 |
1HRI | ONL HRIR Rate | $740 |
1SBC | ONL Strat Brand Comm Rate | $898 |
1MDS | ONL CS-Data Science Rate | $670 |
1MSA | ONL iMSA Rate | $850 |
How to View Course Attributes
When viewing a course in Enhanced Registration, click the title of the course to view additional class details.
Select the Attributes tab from the sidebar menu on the left. If a course has an attribute attached to it, this will be listed. If no attribute is listed, then the course is charged at the base rate.