The Class Registration option on Student Self-Service Student Services Menu can be used to plan your class schedules for future semesters.
If the Class Schedule has been posted for the future semester, you can select the actual class sections offered for that semester that fit with your calendar. Add some 2nd choice times if needed also. When your time ticket opens, you can actually select your favorite plan and make just a few clicks to register for all your planned classes. Seat availability, time conflicts, registration restrictions, holds, etc. will be checked at the time you register, not when creating your plans.
Log In
- Go to Student Self-Service.
- Select the Urbana-Champaign campus.
- Enter your Net ID and password.
- From the myUIconnect page, select the Student Services option.
- From the Menu, select the Class Registration option.
- Select the ‘Plan Ahead’ option.
Select a Term
- To begin planning, select a term for the Champaign-Urbana campus.
- Once you have selected a term, choose the ‘Create a New Plan’ option. You can have up to 5 plans per semester. After you have created a plan, named and saved it, you will see the plan displayed. You can then ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ an existing plan.
Develop a Schedule
- Use the basic or ‘Advanced Search’ option to look for your class sections.
- Select ‘View Sections’ so you see the actual sections offered for the semester. There could be courses listed that do not have any sections offered for the semester.
- Select ‘Add’ or ‘Add All’ once you identify specific Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) you wish to add to your plan. You might see a ‘Restriction!’ message in the Status column for a section. This indicates there is some type of restriction on that CRN, but does NOT necessarily mean the restriction will prohibit you from registering for the CRN.
- The Summary panel will list all classes with Pending status. Click ‘Save Plan’ in the lower right corner of the screen before closing. The Schedule panel provides a nice display of your planned schedule in calendar view format.
- Classes can be removed from a plan by selecting ‘Delete’ in the Action column for the section to be dropped.
Register from a Plan
- Once your time ticket opens for the semester, you can use your plan to register for the entire schedule or only particular classes.
- Select the ‘Plans’ tab on the Register for Classes screen.
- If you created multiple plans, you’ll need to select the desired one for registration.
- You can use the ‘Add All’ button to place all the classes on the plan in your Summary panel then click ‘Submit’ to complete your registration for the classes. When ‘Submit’ is clicked, seat availability, registration restrictions and holds will be checked. Any sections that don’t pass those checks will receive an error message. Sections that do pass the checks will have their Status changed from Pending to Registered.
- You can also check the seat availability of a section before trying to register by clicking on ‘View Sections’ for the specific CRN. All sections will be displayed with indication in the Status column if the section is FULL or not. If the CRN on your plan is FULL, you can choose a different, open section by choosing the ‘Add’ button beside that CRN at that time and the open CRN will be added to your Summary panel to attempt registration.
- Remove any sections with errors from your Summary registration panel and look for different sections or courses that will fit your schedule needs.
Use the ‘Submit’ button to save registration for any Pending classes on your Summary panel. You are not officially registered with a seat in the class until the Status column says ‘Registered’.