Final Grade Entry Tips

Following is a list of helpful tips for faculty regarding final grade entry.

Student Name Is on Class List, But Student Did Not Attend Section/Course

If a student did not attend the section/course, the following are the possible scenarios:

  • The student is enrolled in the wrong section.
    • Instructors can assign an ABS grade to students absent from the final examination without an acceptable excuse. An ABS grade counts as a failure and is not acceptable for degree credit. If a student is absent from a final examination and it is clear that taking that examination could not have resulted in a passing grade for the course, a grade of F may be given instead of ABS. If a student is enrolled in a course but is attending a different section of the course, the student must contact their college office. The ABS grade will be removed from a student’s record when the section change is processed.
  • The student is enrolled but never attended the course.
    • A grade of F should be given- enter the 1st day of instruction as the Last Attended Date and then enter “0” (zero) in the Hours Attendance field.
    • Students not attending any section of the course are required to initiate Late Course Change forms to drop the course indicated on the Class List. The student must contact their college office.

Student Name Is Missing from Class List in Self-Service, But Student Attended Section

If a student is missing from the Class List in Self-Service, the following are the possible scenarios:

  • The student is attending the wrong section.
  • The student is not officially enrolled in the section.

In both instances, the student must contact their college office to add the missing section.

Credit/No Credit

Students who have elected to take a course using the credit/no credit option will not appear differently to instructors during grade entry than students taking a course for a standard letter grade. Instructors must submit letter grades.

When grades are rolled to Academic History, grade substitution rules will award a CR (credit) or NC (no credit). As of Fall 2022, a grade of D- or better is required to earn credit (CR). Prior to Fall 2022, a grade of C- or better was required to earn credit (CR).

Deferred (DFR) Grades

When submitting grades, the DFR grade code will only display in the dropdown menu if the course has been approved for DFR grading. The DFR grade is valid only for thesis, research, and special problems courses that extend over more than one semester.

Generally, these courses are taken by graduate students in preparation for thesis and by undergraduate students in satisfaction of the requirements for graduation with honors.

Honors (H) Grades

Honors Sections

There are sections specifically designated for honors credit. On the Final Grades Entry screen, the Registration Status will not read “Registered Honors.” Instructors assign a standard letter grade to the student and the grade substitution rules will automatically assign the honors grade to students who earn a grade of B− or higher.

Honors Credit Learning Agreement (HCLA)

Undergraduate students may elect to take a course not specifically designated as honors for honors credit through an HCLA. College office staff will change a student’s Registration and Grade Mode during the semester to indicate that an HCLA has been initiated. The student’s Registration Status on the Class List will read as “Registered Honors.”

On the Final Grade Entry page:

  • If the student has met the conditions of the HCLA, you must choose the Honors Grade from the Final Grade dropdown menu (e.g. AH, not just A)
  • If the student has not fulfilled the HCLA or earned a C+ or lower, choose a standard letter grade from the Final Grade dropdown menu, as the student is not eligible to receive honors credit.

Undergraduate Incomplete (I) Grades

Instructors cannot assign a grade of I to undergraduate students using Faculty Self-Service. According to university policy, undergraduate students must receive permission from their college to receive a grade of I. Students or instructors can contact their college office to obtain written permission for a grade of I.

Missing Grades

If an instructor does not enter grades for a student before the grade entry deadline, the Office of the Registrar will post a grade of NR (not reported) at the time grades are rolled to history.

All NR grades will be listed on reports that can be used to follow up with instructors. These reports will be available to the colleges and departments. As grade changes are entered after grade roll, the NR grade will be replaced with the corrected grade as submitted by the instructor.

Grade Changes After the Grade Entry Deadline

Following the grade entry deadline for each term, grades are rolled to Academic History. Once grades have been rolled, grade changes must be processed through the Office of the Registrar. Find out more.

Post-Grade Entry Processes

Many other processes are dependent on the grade roll process. Once grades are rolled, term and cumulative GPAs, academic standing (drop, good standing, or various probation levels), and Dean’s Lists are calculated and produced for administrative review. It is important to have grades entered prior to the grade entry deadline to avoid delays in these processes, which are dependent on the grade roll.

Grades turned in late may affect a student’s academic standing (probation or drop status), eligibility for financial aid, or ability to graduate.