Grade Replacement Policy – List of Special Approved Courses

Initial CourseRepeated Course for Grade ReplacementNotes
ADV 490
"Special Topics"
Digital Advertising Content
(SP16 & SP17)
ADV 305
Digital ADV Content
(SP18 - Current)
AE 199
"Undergraduate Open Seminar"
CAD Content
(FA13 - FA19)
AE 140
CAD Content
(FA20 - Current)
AE 233
AE 433
Aerospace Propulsion
AE 470
Aerospace Numerical Methods
AE 370
Aerospace Numerical Methods
AHS 199
(Fall 2011 - CRN 56124)
Undergraduate Open Seminar
IHLT 101
Introduction to i-Health
ARTD 299
"Special Topics"
Intro to Web Technologies
ARTD 218
Intro to Web Technologies
(FA16 - Current)
ASTR 314
ASTR 414
Astronomical Techniques
ATMS 391
"Special Topics"
Intro Meteorol Data Analysis
ATMS 205
Introduction to Computational Geosciences
(FA17 - Current)
BIOE 298
(Spring 2013 - CRN 59053)
Signals & Systems in BIOE
BIOE 205
Signals & Systems in Bioengineering
BIOE 298
"Special Topics" Analytical Tools for BIOE (SP16 & SP18 section MFI) (SP18 section B)
BIOE 210
Linear Algebra for Biomedical Data Science (SP 19 - Current)
BIOE 398
"Special Topics"
Quant Human Physiology Lab
BIOE 303
Quant Physiology Lab
(SP16 - Current)
CS 240
CS 340
(FA22 - current)
CS 241
CS 341
(FA22 - current)
CS 398
"Special Topics"
Computer Architecture
CS 233
Computer Architecture
CS 498
"Special Topics"
Probability in CS
(FA12 - SP16)
CS 361
Probability & Statistics for Computer Science
(FA16 - Current)
In FA15 & SP16, CS498 was offered for 4 hours while CS 361 is a 3 hour course. Students who took CS 498 in FA15 or SP16 will use 4 hours of GRP.
CS 498
"Special Topics"
Algorithims and Models of Comp
(SP14 - SP16)
CS 374
Introduction to Algorithms & Models of Computation
(FA16 - Current)
CS 498
"Special Topics"
Theory II
(SP15 - FA17)
CS 473
(SP18 - Current)
ECE 190 (ECE 198KL)
Intro to Computing Systems
ECE 220
Computer Systems & Programming
ECE 220 can be used as the repeated course for both ECE 190 and ECE 198KL.
ECE 290 (ECE 198JL)
Computer Engineering I
ECE 120
Introduction to Computing
ECE 120 can be used as the repeated course for both ECE 290 and ECE 198JL.
ECE 329
Fields and Waves II
ECE 329
Fields and Waves I
ECE 391
Computer Systems Engineering
(3 Credits)
ECE 391
Computer Systems Engineering
(4 Credits)
ECE 398
"Special Topics"
Probability in Engineering Lab
(FA14 - FA15)
ECE 314
Probability in Engineering Lab
(FA16 - Current)
ECE 430
Power Ckts & Electromechanics
ECE 330
Power Ckts & Electromechanics
ECE 440
Solid State Electronic Devices
ECE 340
Semiconductor Electronics
ECE 442
Electronic Circuits
ECE 342
Electronic Circuits
ECE 443
Electronic Circuits Laboratory
ECE 343
Electronic Circuits Laboratory
ECE 445
Senior Design Project Lab
(2 Credits)
ECE 445
Senior Design Project Lab
(4 Credits)
ECE 450
Lines, Fields, and Waves
ECE 350
Fields and Waves II
ECE 497
Senior Research Project
ECE 496
Senior Research Project
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
American Economic History
(FA16 - FA17)
ECON 402
American Economic History
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Environmental Economics
(FA16 - FA17)
ECON 415
Environmental Economics
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Monetary Economics and Policy
(FA16 - FA17)
ECON 426
Monetary Economics and Policy
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Game Theory
(FA16 - FA17)
ECON 437
Game Theory
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Women in the Economy
(FA16 - FA17)
ECON 442
Women in the Economy
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Economics of the Workplace
ECON 447
Economics of the Workplace
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Employee Compensation and Incentives
ECON 448
Employee Compensation and Incentives
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Financial Economics
ECON 460
Financial Economics
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Financial Econometrics
ECON 472
Financial Econometrics
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Econometrics of Policy Evaluation
ECON 474
Econometrics of Policy Evaluation
ECON 490
"Topics in Economics"
Economic Forecasting
ECON 475
Economic Forecasting
EIL 489
(Spring 2011 - Summer 2014)
Theoretical Foundations of SLA
LING 489
Theoretical Foundations of SLA
LING 489 was active prior to Spring 2011 and changed in Spring 2011 to EIL 489. In Fall 2014, EIL 489 changed back to LING 489.
ENGL 199
"Special Topics"
Reading for Writers
CW 200
Reading for Writers
ENVS 180
Natural Disasters
GEOL 118
Natural Disasters
ESL 114
(Prior to Fall '13)
Intro to Academic Writing
ESL 111
Intro to Academic Writing I
ESL 115
(Prior to Fall '13)
Principles of Academic Writing
ESL 112
Intro to Academic Writing II
If the student completed ESL 114 on campus (did not receive proficiency credit), register for ESL 112 to replace ESL 115. The student will use 3 hours of GRP.
ESL 115
(Prior to Fall '13)
Principles of Academic Writing
ESL 115
Intro to Academic Writing II
If the student received proficiency credit for ESL 114, register for ESL 115. The student will use 4 hours of GRP.
FSHN 131
Introductory Food Laboratory
FSHN 232
Science of Food Preparation
GE 161
Business Side of Engineering
GE 261
Business Side of Engineering
(FA18-FA21 )
INFO 407
(SP22 - Current)
The MH Section of INFO 490 was built as the "Special Topics" version of what INFO was offering when establishing the new course.
MACS 199 (SP15 - CRN 57029)
NRES 199 (SP15 - CRN 35107)
Watching the Environment
MDIA 223/NRES 223
Watching the Enivronment
(SP16 - Current)
MDIA 223 to replace MACS 199 and NRES 223 to replace NRES 199
MATH 012
MATH 112
MATH 221
Calculus I
MATH 220
MATH 220 has been approved to replace MATH 221 in the Spring and Summer terms. However, students will use 5 hours of GRP.
MATH 210
Prior to SP18
Theory of Interest
ASRM 210
Theory of Interest
MATH 285
MATH 285
Intro Differential Equations
MATH 361
MATH 461
Probability Theory
MATH 370
Prior to SP18
Actuarial Problem Solving
ASRM 392
Actuarial Problem Solving
MATH 408
Prior to SP18
Actuarial Statistics I
ASRM 401
Actuarial Problem Solving
MATH 409
Prior to FA17
Actuarial Statistics I
ASRM 402
Actuarial Problem Solving
MATH 410
Lin Algebra & Financial Apps
ASRM 406
Lin Algebra & Financial Apps
MATH 415 PL1
Applied Linear Algebra
MATH 257
(FA21 - Current)
Linear Algebra with Computational Applications
The PL1 Section of MATH 415 was built as the "Special Topics" version of what MATH was offering when establishing the new course.
MATH 469
Prior to SU 18
Methods of Applied Statistics
ASRM 450
Methods of Applied Statistics
MATH 471
Life Contingencies I
ASRM 471
Life Contingencies I
MATH 472
Life Contingencies II
ASRM 472
Life Contingencies II
MATH 476
Investments and Financial Markets
ASRM 410
Investments and Financial Markets
MATH 479
Casualty Actuarial Mathematics
ASRM 469
Casualty Actuarial Mathematics
MATH 478
Loss Models
ASRM 461
Loss Models
MATH 490
Stoch Proc for Fin & Insurance
ASRM 409
Stoch Proc for Fin & Insurance
MDIA 370
Advanced Media Sales Prior to FA19
ADV 370
Sales and the Consumer
ME 300
ME 200
(FA18 - Current)
ME 280
ME 470
Senior Design Project
ME 405
Nuclear Power Engineering
NPRE 402
Nuclear Power Engineering
PSYC 336
PSYC 312
Psychology of Race & Ethnicity
RST 330
Leisure and Consumer Culture
RST 335
Leisure and Consumer Culture
SHS 390 (SP16 - CRN 63611)
Current Issues in EBP
SHS 385
Evidence-Based Practice in Communication Sciences and Disorders
SPAN 103
Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 130
Intermediate Spanish
STAT 207
(FA21 - Current)
Students who choose to use STAT 207 to replace STAT 200 DS will use 4 hours of GRP.
TAM 210
Introduction to Statics
TAM 211
Students who choose to use TAM 211 to replace TAM 210 will use 3 hours of GRP.


Courses that are not listed as approved for grade replacement on this document must be reviewed by the Office of the Registrar.


  • Cross-listed courses are not eligible for grade replacement. In order to initiate a grade replacement request for a cross-listed course, the student must register for the same section of the course that he/she originally attempted.
  • Grade replacement cannot be used when the course credit is lower on the second attempt due to reduced content.

Additional Course Information:

  • CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry
    • Students who took CHEM 232 for 3 credit hours should be allowed to replace the grade with the 4 credit hour version (revision effective Summer 2010) if they choose to enroll in a 4 credit hour section in a future term. 4 hours of GRP will be used.
    • Students who took CHEM 232 for 4 credit hours should be allowed to replace the grade with the 3 credit hour version. However, 4 hours of GRP will be used.
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology sequence (prior to Fall 2010 MCB 103/104 and MCB 334, currently MCB 244/245 and 246/247) – It is not appropriate to allow students to replace grades earned in the original sequence with grades earned in the newly revised sequence.