Initial Course | Repeated Course for Grade Replacement | Notes |
ADV 490 "Special Topics" Digital Advertising Content (SP16 & SP17) | ADV 305 Digital ADV Content (SP18 - Current) | |
AE 199 "Undergraduate Open Seminar" CAD Content (FA13 - FA19) | AE 140 CAD Content (FA20 - Current) | |
AE 233 (Pre-Banner) | AE 433 Aerospace Propulsion | |
AE 470 Aerospace Numerical Methods | AE 370 Aerospace Numerical Methods | |
AHS 199 (Fall 2011 - CRN 56124) Undergraduate Open Seminar | IHLT 101 Introduction to i-Health | |
ARTD 299 "Special Topics" Intro to Web Technologies (FA13-SP16) | ARTD 218 Intro to Web Technologies (FA16 - Current) | |
ASTR 314 (Pre-Banner) | ASTR 414 Astronomical Techniques | |
ATMS 391 "Special Topics" Intro Meteorol Data Analysis (FA16) | ATMS 205 Introduction to Computational Geosciences (FA17 - Current) | |
BIOE 298 (Spring 2013 - CRN 59053) Signals & Systems in BIOE | BIOE 205 Signals & Systems in Bioengineering | |
BIOE 298 "Special Topics" Analytical Tools for BIOE (SP16 & SP18 section MFI) (SP18 section B) | BIOE 210 Linear Algebra for Biomedical Data Science (SP 19 - Current) | |
BIOE 398 "Special Topics" Quant Human Physiology Lab (SP12) | BIOE 303 Quant Physiology Lab (SP16 - Current) | |
CS 240 (SP20-SP22) | CS 340 (FA22 - current) | |
CS 241 (FA05-SP22) | CS 341 (FA22 - current) | |
CS 398 "Special Topics" Computer Architecture | CS 233 Computer Architecture | |
CS 498 "Special Topics" Probability in CS (FA12 - SP16) | CS 361 Probability & Statistics for Computer Science (FA16 - Current) | In FA15 & SP16, CS498 was offered for 4 hours while CS 361 is a 3 hour course. Students who took CS 498 in FA15 or SP16 will use 4 hours of GRP. |
CS 498 "Special Topics" Algorithims and Models of Comp (SP14 - SP16) | CS 374 Introduction to Algorithms & Models of Computation (FA16 - Current) | |
CS 498 "Special Topics" Theory II (SP15 - FA17) | CS 473 Algorithms (SP18 - Current) | |
ECE 190 (ECE 198KL) Intro to Computing Systems | ECE 220 Computer Systems & Programming | ECE 220 can be used as the repeated course for both ECE 190 and ECE 198KL. |
ECE 290 (ECE 198JL) Computer Engineering I | ECE 120 Introduction to Computing | ECE 120 can be used as the repeated course for both ECE 290 and ECE 198JL. |
ECE 329 Fields and Waves II | ECE 329 Fields and Waves I | |
ECE 391 Computer Systems Engineering (3 Credits) | ECE 391 Computer Systems Engineering (4 Credits) | |
ECE 398 "Special Topics" Probability in Engineering Lab (FA14 - FA15) | ECE 314 Probability in Engineering Lab (FA16 - Current) | |
ECE 430 Power Ckts & Electromechanics | ECE 330 Power Ckts & Electromechanics | |
ECE 440 Solid State Electronic Devices | ECE 340 Semiconductor Electronics | |
ECE 442 Electronic Circuits | ECE 342 Electronic Circuits | |
ECE 443 Electronic Circuits Laboratory | ECE 343 Electronic Circuits Laboratory | |
ECE 445 Senior Design Project Lab (2 Credits) | ECE 445 Senior Design Project Lab (4 Credits) | |
ECE 450 Lines, Fields, and Waves | ECE 350 Fields and Waves II | |
ECE 497 Senior Research Project | ECE 496 Senior Research Project | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" American Economic History (FA16 - FA17) | ECON 402 American Economic History (FA18-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Environmental Economics (FA16 - FA17) | ECON 415 Environmental Economics (FA18-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Monetary Economics and Policy (FA16 - FA17) | ECON 426 Monetary Economics and Policy (FA18-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Game Theory (FA16 - FA17) | ECON 437 Game Theory (FA18-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Women in the Economy (FA16 - FA17) | ECON 442 Women in the Economy (FA18-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Economics of the Workplace (FA17) | ECON 447 Economics of the Workplace (FA18-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Employee Compensation and Incentives (FA17-SP18) | ECON 448 Employee Compensation and Incentives (FA18-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Financial Economics (FA16-FA17) | ECON 460 Financial Economics (FA18-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Financial Econometrics (FA16-FA17) | ECON 472 Financial Econometrics (FA18-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Econometrics of Policy Evaluation (FA16-FA17) | ECON 474 Econometrics of Policy Evaluation (SP19-Current) | |
ECON 490 "Topics in Economics" Economic Forecasting (FA16-FA17) | ECON 475 Economic Forecasting (FA18-Current) | |
EIL 489 (Spring 2011 - Summer 2014) Theoretical Foundations of SLA | LING 489 Theoretical Foundations of SLA | LING 489 was active prior to Spring 2011 and changed in Spring 2011 to EIL 489. In Fall 2014, EIL 489 changed back to LING 489. |
ENGL 199 "Special Topics" Reading for Writers | CW 200 Reading for Writers | |
ENVS 180 Natural Disasters | GEOL 118 Natural Disasters | |
ESL 114 (Prior to Fall '13) Intro to Academic Writing | ESL 111 Intro to Academic Writing I | |
ESL 115 (Prior to Fall '13) Principles of Academic Writing | ESL 112 Intro to Academic Writing II | If the student completed ESL 114 on campus (did not receive proficiency credit), register for ESL 112 to replace ESL 115. The student will use 3 hours of GRP. |
ESL 115 (Prior to Fall '13) Principles of Academic Writing | ESL 115 Intro to Academic Writing II | If the student received proficiency credit for ESL 114, register for ESL 115. The student will use 4 hours of GRP. |
FSHN 131 Introductory Food Laboratory | FSHN 232 Science of Food Preparation | |
GE 161 Business Side of Engineering | GE 261 Business Side of Engineering | |
INFO 490 MH (FA18-FA21 ) | INFO 407 (SP22 - Current) | The MH Section of INFO 490 was built as the "Special Topics" version of what INFO was offering when establishing the new course. |
MACS 199 (SP15 - CRN 57029) NRES 199 (SP15 - CRN 35107) Watching the Environment | MDIA 223/NRES 223 Watching the Enivronment (SP16 - Current) | MDIA 223 to replace MACS 199 and NRES 223 to replace NRES 199 |
MATH 012 Algebra | MATH 112 Algebra | |
MATH 221 Calculus I | MATH 220 Calculus | MATH 220 has been approved to replace MATH 221 in the Spring and Summer terms. However, students will use 5 hours of GRP. |
MATH 210 Prior to SP18 Theory of Interest | ASRM 210 FA18-Current Theory of Interest | |
MATH 285 (Pre-Banner) | MATH 285 Intro Differential Equations | |
MATH 361 (Pre-Banner) | MATH 461 Probability Theory | |
MATH 370 Prior to SP18 Actuarial Problem Solving | ASRM 392 Actuarial Problem Solving | |
MATH 408 Prior to SP18 Actuarial Statistics I | ASRM 401 Actuarial Problem Solving | |
MATH 409 Prior to FA17 Actuarial Statistics I | ASRM 402 Actuarial Problem Solving | |
MATH 410 Lin Algebra & Financial Apps | ASRM 406 Lin Algebra & Financial Apps | |
MATH 415 PL1 (FA20-SP21) Applied Linear Algebra | MATH 257 (FA21 - Current) Linear Algebra with Computational Applications | The PL1 Section of MATH 415 was built as the "Special Topics" version of what MATH was offering when establishing the new course. |
MATH 469 Prior to SU 18 Methods of Applied Statistics | ASRM 450 Methods of Applied Statistics | |
MATH 471 Life Contingencies I | ASRM 471 Life Contingencies I | |
MATH 472 Life Contingencies II | ASRM 472 Life Contingencies II | |
MATH 476 Investments and Financial Markets | ASRM 410 Investments and Financial Markets | |
MATH 479 Casualty Actuarial Mathematics | ASRM 469 Casualty Actuarial Mathematics | |
MATH 478 Loss Models | ASRM 461 Loss Models | |
MATH 490 SP17 Stoch Proc for Fin & Insurance | ASRM 409 Stoch Proc for Fin & Insurance | |
MDIA 370 Advanced Media Sales Prior to FA19 | ADV 370 Sales and the Consumer | |
ME 300 Thermodynamics (SU18) | ME 200 Thermodynamics (FA18 - Current) | |
ME 280 (Pre-Banner) | ME 470 Senior Design Project | |
ME 405 Nuclear Power Engineering | NPRE 402 Nuclear Power Engineering | |
PSYC 336 (Pre-Banner) | PSYC 312 Psychology of Race & Ethnicity | |
RST 330 Leisure and Consumer Culture | RST 335 Leisure and Consumer Culture | |
SHS 390 (SP16 - CRN 63611) Current Issues in EBP | SHS 385 Evidence-Based Practice in Communication Sciences and Disorders | |
SPAN 103 Intermediate Spanish | SPAN 130 Intermediate Spanish | |
STAT 200 DS (FA19-SP21) | STAT 207 (FA21 - Current) | Students who choose to use STAT 207 to replace STAT 200 DS will use 4 hours of GRP. |
TAM 210 Introduction to Statics | TAM 211 Statics | Students who choose to use TAM 211 to replace TAM 210 will use 3 hours of GRP. |
Courses that are not listed as approved for grade replacement on this document must be reviewed by the Office of the Registrar.
- Cross-listed courses are not eligible for grade replacement. In order to initiate a grade replacement request for a cross-listed course, the student must register for the same section of the course that he/she originally attempted.
- Grade replacement cannot be used when the course credit is lower on the second attempt due to reduced content.
Additional Course Information:
- CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry
- Students who took CHEM 232 for 3 credit hours should be allowed to replace the grade with the 4 credit hour version (revision effective Summer 2010) if they choose to enroll in a 4 credit hour section in a future term. 4 hours of GRP will be used.
- Students who took CHEM 232 for 4 credit hours should be allowed to replace the grade with the 3 credit hour version. However, 4 hours of GRP will be used.
- Human Anatomy & Physiology sequence (prior to Fall 2010 MCB 103/104 and MCB 334, currently MCB 244/245 and 246/247) – It is not appropriate to allow students to replace grades earned in the original sequence with grades earned in the newly revised sequence.