Non-Combined Exam
Commonly known as a “regular exam,” the non-combined exam is scheduled according to the non-combined scheduling guidelines. These are automatically scheduled for sections that first meet on Mondays or Tuesdays. Non-combined exams are scheduled in the same room that the course meets in throughout the semester. The Office of the Provost must approve any change to the day or time of a non-combined exam.
Non-Combined Extra Space
Extra space is scheduled for non-combined (regular) exams that require extra seating. The exam is still held on the non-combined day and time.
Combined Exam
A combined exam is used for two or more sections that do not normally meet together when the instructor would like to hold the exam at the same time. The time is scheduled according to room availability.
Arranged Exam
Arranged exams are scheduled for any class that does not follow the scheduling guidelines (for example, it doesn’t meet on Monday or Tuesday or meets before 8:00 a.m. any day) or any class that has received approval for an exception to the scheduling guidelines.
Conflict Exam
Conflict exams are scheduled to accommodate conflicts with combined or arranged exams or other reasons such as a student with three exams within a 24-hour period or to accommodate a student’s religious beliefs, observances, or practices. Students must request a conflict exam through their instructor. See the Student Code for information about when to schedule a conflict exam.