Winter 2015-2016 Undergrad Tuition Rates

For Winter 2015-2016 ONLY, the base rate tuition will be charged per credit hour to all undergraduates based on their residency status and when they started at the University per the table below.  No program differentials, such as Engineering, Business, etc. will be added for any students.  The BSLAS: ESES Online Program rates apply only to students in the undergraduate, online degree program in Earth, Society and Environmental Sustainability.

Campus fees will not be charged.

Financial Aid for winter term is extremely limited and will consist primarily of remaining Direct Loan eligibility and Parent PLUS loans.  Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at if you have specific questions.

Rates per credit hour

Resident Non-Resident International BSLAS: ESES Online Program*
For undergraduates entered Summer or Fall 2015 $402 $907 $935 $409
For undergraduates entered Summer 2014 to Spring 2015 $402 $889 $916 $409
For undergraduates entered Summer 2013 to Spring 2014 $395 $874 $901 $403
For undergraduates entered Summer 2011 to Spring 2013 $388 $860 $886 $397
For undergraduates entered Summer 2010 to Spring 2011 $371 $842 $867 $375
For undergraduates entered prior to Summer 2010 $362 $816 $816 $409
For nondegree undergraduates admitted through campus $362 $362 $362 N/A
For nondegree undergraduates admitted through CITL* $409 $409 $409 N/A

*Includes $50 per hour administrative fee.