Summer 2019 Graduate & Professional Campus Fees

Campus fees, except health insurance, are mandatory for campus-based students according to enrolled hours as shown below.  Students who are only registered for authorized off-campus or online classes for the entire Summer semester will only be charged the General Fee and Health Insurance Fee, unless approved for waiver.

Semester Fees

9 hours or more 6-8.9 hours 3-5.9 hours 0-2.9 hours
Service Fee† $145 $145 $145 $0
General Fee† $196 $196 $196 $196
Health Insurance Fee* $582 $582 $582 $582
Health Service Fee† $117 $117 $117 $0
Transportation Fee $25 $25 $25 $0
Student-Initiated Fees† $19 $19 $19 $0
AFMFA $256 $171 $86 $43
Library/Information Tech Fee $183 $122 $61 $31
Total $1,523 $1,377 $1,231 $852
Library/Information Tech Fee for College of Law and Graduate Law students $206 $137 $69 $35
Total for all Law students $1,546 $1,392 $1,239 $856

*Health Insurance Fee is the only campus fee for which a waiver is available.  If you are not automatically charged for health insurance, but need insurance coverage, contact the Student Health Insurance Office.

  • Students on study abroad or approved off-campus experiences enrolled for 3 or more credit hours will be charged the Health Insurance Fee unless insurance was waived.
  • Students enrolled in an approved off-campus experience for less than 3 credit hours will not be charged the Health Insurance Fee; therefore not covered by University health insurance.
  • Students enrolled in absentia are not charged or eligible for University health insurance.

† A distribution breakdown of the Service, General, Health Service, and Student Initiated fees can be found here.

Other Fees

$35 International Students Fee (applies to international campus graduate students)
$12.50 Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP; applies to College of Law students)
$41.67 Long-term Disability Insurance (applies to Carle Illinois College of Medicine students)