Thesis Grades

Following are instructions for using the Supplemental Grade Report Form (SGRF) for thesis courses (499/599).

When to Submit the SGRF for a Thesis Course:

After the Thesis Office has informed the department that the student has deposited their thesis, an SGRF can be submitted.

An SGRF submitted before the thesis has been deposited will be marked “Void” and will not be returned to the department. However, email notification regarding this action will be sent to the departmental contact. Once the thesis has been deposited, a new SGRF will need to be filled out, signed and submitted.

Who Can Sign the SGRF for a Thesis Course:

Below is a list of the individuals who can sign the SGRF, as well as instructions for each:

  • Instructor of the courses—In SHACRSE, should check the “Subject,” “Course Number,” and “Section” (usually lists the instructor initials).
  • Department head on behalf of the instructor—Must sign the instructor’s name with department head’s initials.
  • Authorized departmental staff on behalf of the instructor and department head—Must sign the instructor name with their initials.

If a professor or instructor has moved to another department and the student has changed their program of study to follow that professor or instructor to the new department, the courses taken while enrolled in the previous department should still be signed by the instructor of record.

If this instructor is not available, the SGRF should be signed by the department head of the department offering the courses on behalf of the instructor or by authorized departmental staff of the department offering the courses on behalf of the instructor and department head.

The courses taken while enrolled in the current department can be signed by the instructor or department head of the current department on behalf of the instructor or by authorized departmental staff on behalf of the instructor and department head.

Required Information on the SGRF for a Thesis Course:

The following sections of the SGRF must be filled out:

  • Date—For thesis courses 499/599, on or after the date the thesis has been deposited
  • Student name and UIN—Can be viewed in Banner form SPAIDEN
  • Gradable CRN—Can be viewed in Banner form SHACRSE
    • Can enter “All” if same instructor and same subject
    • If different terms taught by different instructors, a separate SGRF must be filled out for each
    • If registered for current term, can be viewed in Banner form SFAREGQ/SFAREGS; departments can use same SGRF as past terms
  • Subject/Number—Can be viewed in Banner form SHACRSE
  • Section—Can be viewed in Banner form SHACRSE
    • Can enter “All” if same instructor and same subject
    • If different terms taught by different instructors, a separate SGRF must be filled out for each
  • Credit—can be viewed in Banner form SHACRSE
    • Can enter “All” if same instructor and same subject
    • If different terms taught by different instructors, a separate SGRF must be filled out for each
  • Term enrolled in the course—Can be viewed in Banner form SHACRSE
    • Terms can be listed under “Grad Thesis Terms,” with beginning term at “Start” and ending term at “End”
    • If different terms taught by different instructors, a separate SGRF must be filled out for each
  • Purpose of report—Mark appropriate action in item #1 (“To Replace”)
    • “DFR” should be entered at “From” and “S” should be entered at “To” once student has fulfill requirements
    • To add thesis course or to change number of hours for thesis course, a petition will be needed as well as an SGRF, with “From” left blank; SGRF should be sent with petition to Graduate College personnel handling petitions

The following is unacceptable when filling out the SGRF:

  • Requests to change thesis grade of 499/599 from “DFR” to a standard letter grade of “A,” “B,” or “C;” letter grade should either be “S” (satisfactory) or “U” (unsatisfactory).
  • No signature on the form.
  • The signature of an instructor who did not teach the course.

Please be sure to initial all changes or modifications marked on the SGRF. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 217-333-9774 or