FERPA allows colleges and Universities to classify part of the educational record as directory information. Normally, schools may disclose directory information without the written consent of the student. This includes information such as:
- Name
- Addresses (including email)
- Telephone numbers
Urbana-Champaign, directory information for current students also includes:
- University Identification Number (UIN)
- Date of admission
- Date of birth
- Previous institutions attended
- Attendance site (campus or location)
- Dates of attendance
- Full-or part-time status
- College
- Curriculum
- Major field of study
- Class level
- Expected graduation date
- Degrees, honors, and certificates received or anticipated
- Eligibility for membership in registered University honoraries
- Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- Weight and height if an athletic team member
In addition, for students appointed as fellows, assistants, graduate, or undergraduate hourly employees:
- Title
- Appointing department
- Appointment dates
- Duties
- Percent time of the appointment
Caution: Although FERPA allows for release of directory information, University policy prohibits the release of lists of information, including directory information, except for a “legitimate educational purpose.” See the Campus Administrative Manual and the Student Code for more details.