Room Feature Abbreviation | Room Feature Description |
EQUIP-16MM | 16MM Film Projector |
EQUIP-35MM | 35MM Film Projector |
EQUIP-CB20 | Chalkboard 20 Feet + |
EQUIP-CHKB | Chalkboard |
EQUIP-DEPT | Department Specific Technological Equipment |
EQUIP-DVD | DVD Player |
EQUIP-DOC CAMERA | Document Camera |
EQUIP-ITS | Integrated Teaching System |
EQUIP-NWND | No Windows |
EQUIP-PITS | Partial Integrated Teaching System |
EQUIP-SCR2 | Two Screen Projections |
EQUIP-SLD1 | One Slide Projector |
EQUIP-SLD2 | Two Slide Projectors |
EQUIP-SOUN | Sound System |
EQUIP-VIDEO | Video Recording System |
EQUIP-WHTB | Whiteboard (no markers) |
SEATS-FTAC | Fixed Tablet Arm Chairs |
SEATS-FTBC | Fixed Tables and Chairs |
SEATS-LTAC | Large Tablet Arm Chairs (Moveable) |
SEATS-LTBC | Large Tables and Chairs |
SEATS-MTAC | Moveable Tableted Arm Chairs |
SEATS-MTC | Moveable Tables and Chairs |
SEATS-THEA | Theatre Auditorium Seating |
SEATS-TIERED | Tiered Sloped Seating |