Review all of Lincoln Hall Theatre’s venue information below.
Loading & Parking
There is very little parking in the vicinity—just a few spaces on the street and in the lot immediately to the south of the building. Load-in is difficult; even though there is a back door to the theatre, there is no way to unload a truck or car there.
There is a 400 amp 3-phase panel on stage, but access can only be granted through a Union electrician.
There are 610 seats, all on the first floor. Balcony seating is no longer usable for students or patrons.
Dressing Room
- There is a Green Room downstairs that seats 15 and has a video screen to view what is currently on stage.
- There are 2 locker rooms/restrooms for changing and taking showers.
- There is a hallway downstairs with room for 20+ people.
There are clear coms useful for communicating from the stage level to the booth, which contains the sound and lighting controls.
Stage Dimensions
- Proscenium width: 29.5 feet
- Depth to back wall: 35 feet
There are 3 fly rails usable to backstage rigging.
There is a front curtain as well as a curtain halfway back that may also be used as legs.
There is a large screen for showing videos/PowerPoints in conjunction with the Integrated Teaching System (ITS).