Directory Information

Section X-6 of the Campus Administrative Manual and Part 6 of the Student Code (sections C and D) define directory information, which can be provided upon request without notice to or consent from the student.

Currently Enrolled Students

Directory information includes:

  • Student’s name
  • Addresses and telephone numbers
  • UIN
  • College
  • Curriculum
  • Major field of study
  • Class level
  • Date of birth
  • Dates of attendance
  • Full- or part-time status
  • Eligibility for membership in registered University honoraries
  • Degrees, honors, and certificates received or anticipated
  • For students appointed as fellows, assistants, graduate, or undergraduate hourly employees, the title, appointing department, appointment dates, duties, and percent time of the appointment;
  • Weight and height if the student is an athletic team member
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Institutions previously attended

Former Students

Directory information includes:

  • Student’s name
  • Date of birth
  • Last known addresses and telephone numbers
  • UIN
  • College
  • Curriculum
  • Major field of study
  • Dates of attendance
  • Full- or part-time status
  • Class level
  • Degrees, honors, and certificates earned at the University and the date(s) conferred
  • Weight and height if the student was an athletic team member
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Institutions previously attended

UIN as Directory Information

Effective September 1, 2009 and in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a change was made to the campus definition of directory information. The list of items defined was expanded to include the University Identification Number (UIN). The revised policy has been incorporated into the Student Code and in OBFS policy.

i-card Programs creates, owns, and is the authoritative source for UINs. In conjunction with the campus registrars and other appropriate individuals, we want to remind all units of the policy forbidding the use of the UIN for authentication (that is, as a password or means to access private information). The ban went into effect in 2006, when UIN authentication was retired and i-card Programs started denying incoming requests to use the UIN for authentication. Adherence to the ban is particularly important under the FERPA reclassification. If your unit currently uses UINs as a means to access private data, please visit the i-card website for more information.

Compilation and release of student directory information to parties outside the University in response to requests is the purview of the Office of the Registrar and the Office of the Dean of Students.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions regarding the UIN as directory information. Please feel free to contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions or concerns at or 217-333-2034.

1. Are UINs public information?

The campus does not plan to publish UIN data in any public manner. The University has discretion in public release of directory information, and in the majority of circumstances the campus chooses not to publish this information.

2. What is the purpose of defining the UIN directory information if you are not publishing it?

The UIN serves primarily as a useful and unique number for business processes internal to the University. As one example, staff and faculty use email as a preferred method of communication about students. While email is not a secure transmission, the use of UIN in email is not considered a potential release of the educational record. Staff also frequently share paper lists of UINs to communicate about aspects of student records; this sharing becomes less cumbersome if the UIN is treated with the same level of security as the student name.

3. How will defining the UIN as directory information impact the student?

Student services are more efficient because staff can easily identify a specific student record (e.g., when students have identical names). However, students may need to answer a few questions from University staff to authenticate their identity before further information is released or before services are provided.

4. How will a staff member validate student identity?

Staff members cannot rely solely on the UIN for identification and may ask for additional verification. This will likely be in the form of additional questions that only the student can answer. Many units are implementing an authorization system that can be used to authenticate student identity when students call (nearby access to a computer is needed).

5. A unit on campus is not asking me further questions to verify my identity. Should I be concerned?

All units have been notified that additional authentication is needed to verify a student’s identity. However, not all verification processes used are apparent to the student. If you have concerns, please feel free to contact us.